Monday, July 7, 2008


I would like to record for some of my posterity some of my early memories. Of great influence in my life, were my Dad and my Dear Aunt Eula. Both were school teachers. My Father knew, and told me many times, that I could, and I'd better do better. My Aunt Eula did something about it. She made sure that I received every educational benefit. This included Nursery School, summer tutoring, this I didn't mind at all as we always went for hamburgers and cherry coke afterwards. She had sort of adopted us kids, as she never married. Due to my father's many jobs, I attended Alma School, Tempe Grade School, Eager Elementary, Tucson Grade School, Mesa Lincoln and Franklin, Irving, and Mesa High School; I took all of the art classes available. I followed that with nearly a year at ASU, and then many years of Military Schools. I graduated as an Honor Student, from Air Traffic Control School, and was retained as an instructor. This was at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi Mississippi. After losing my left eye in an accident I had to change career fields. Back to school studying Electronics, and then a school specializing in ATC Radar, after graduating Honor Student, I was given the choice of bases in the West and closest was Ellsworth AFB. The next school I went to was at Fort Manmouth, New Jersey. I was the Honor graduate, receiving my award from the Commanding General of Fort Monmouth, the Army Electronics School. I am not writing these things to boast, only saying to you that you have great intelligence potential in you, apply it, and there is no end to your possibilities. You can do it, there are no scrubs in our Family. I say this with Love.

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